
PulseLine, June 24, 2013

Yes, good afternoon Westfield! I’m calling about a nice fun weekend trip for the family (and I say that out through the side of my mouth.) Go to Big Y on East Main Street. They’ve been working on it. The vendors have been tearing the floors of the aisles apart for the past three weeks or so. The manager doesn’t know what he’s doing. We’ve questioned him. You can’t find anything that you want. Three weeks in a row we’ve gone there with grocery lists and come back with half the list filled. It’s about time now, just guess we’re going to take a ride up to Feeding Hills and go to Geissler’s, a nice little family market with everything advertised always there. Seriously – why bother going into town because then you have to go through the cement jungle, to go to Stop and Shop or to the other Big Y. But, you know, it’s a fun trip if you like climbing, you get a little bit of mountain climbing, a little bit of exercise in and you just get a little frustrated. So if you don’t mind that, it is summertime – get out with the kids and enjoy. Thank you.

Hi! I am a parent of a child, and I was wondering if autism is a result of second-hand smoke. Being in a place or walking by somebody who is smoking, and inhaling second-hand smoke. I wonder if that can create autism.

Yeah, I”m calling because there’s a person always calling about the street sweeper, and I had just seen it on a road that’s almost a dirt road trying to clean it. It’s called Reservoir Road, off of West Road. Why they’re even bothering doing it, I have no idea, but that is a sub-contractor. We buy the machines and park them and we subcontract it. That makes even better sense. Don’t know why. If somebody could figure out why we subcontract that out after buying the machines. Thank you. Bye.

Yes, I called in a couple of days ago referring to the bridge on the north side near Butcher Block – why nobody has been working there for over three weeks, almost a month. Nobody has been answering. You seem to have answers for everything else – why can’t you answer this? Can you please tell me why they’re not working on the bridge, to get it done with? Thank you. If there has been a work stoppage, it has been due to being too conservative re: a projected delivery date for steel needed for the next phase of construction. Delivery of the steel should be any day day now and construction would then resume.

Good morning. I’m calling in regards to the repair of street sewers which have been disappearing for the last few years, always sinking down into the ground. I was in Granby, Connecticut, and they had something a little different that they were doing with their sewers that were badly sinking down. They prepared a cement square. Part of it is actually a curbing made of cement and then the other three sides consist of the area that holds the street drain itself. It’s like a one-piece item. Well, I notice the City of Westfield at the present time is bringing in crews with cement and it’s probably a two or three day project to do one particular sewer due to the fact of the digging out and everything else. But, I tell you, this supreme-made item is quite unique and I think the public works department heads should take a ride right across the border in Southwick, Massachusetts into Granby, Connecticut, and they’ll see these particular items that I talked about, repair items for a sewer and it’s unique, it’s different. I don’t know if the cost is high or low. I suggest one little ride, into Southwick, Granby, Connecticut and you will almost come upon those street repairs utilizing this one-piece item. Unique, different. Check it out. Thank you.

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