
PulseLine, March 18, 2014

It is the policy of The Westfield News Group that neither pro nor anti political candidate comments will run in the PulseLine during the political window leading up to an election. A comment appeared in the PulseLine recently that was directed towards State Representative candidate Dan Allie and we apologize for letting that happen. If anyone would like to make comments about a candidate it must be a signed Letter to the Editor.

I’m responding to the article about the disgraceful display of the American Flag. First of all Thank You to the veteran that brought this issue forward and Thank You for your service to your country. Secondly, to the person that responded by suggesting that he should have contacted the place where the Flag was being flown. You are wrong and you also are like many people in this country that want freedom and respect but really don`t understand the reasons that you can sit back and criticize others, Maybe just maybe after putting in twenty years defending his country this vet. feels as though other Americans should show the same respect and pride in their country as he does. Also most Americans take their liberties so casually that they do not realize that there is such a thing as Flag etiquette. Flag etiquette tells you how and when the flag should be handled and flown. It tells us all how to treat the flag with respect and that this respect goes back to all Americans that fought for our basic freedom and liberties over the years. Now I realize that you will read this and disagree but I also realize that people like you cannot be expected to respect a Flag when you obviously don`t respect the people that have served this country. What ever happened to the day when American Flags were flown at our schools and public buildings and the staff at these buildings would bring them in at night and put them out during the day. If this was at a school then where were the janitors, staff and principle? What kind of standards are they teaching the students if they aren`t even starting with the basics like respect? Oh by the way you probably didn`t know that the Flag should never be flown at night unless a light shines on it either, did you. Its` all about respect and the sad thing is that we all are losing respect for everything around us that should matter.

You know, citizens of Massachusetts, with all this heroin floating around, ODs – you know we should take a lesson from Tampa, Florida, where it’s really bad with all this heroin. It all started with people smoking marijuana, getting doctor’s prescription for opiates, and now look where we are at.

Hi. I live in the town of Russell and we just got our tax bills. Every other town around us, they get to pay quarterly. We have the distinction of having to pay once a year and it’s pretty hard to come up with $5,000 or $6,000 all at one time. But, that being said, I got my tax bill. I ran right out back to the money tree and I’ll be darned: there wasn’t a dollar left on it. The town of Russell had already taken it all. Thank you very much and have a nice day.

I called earlier about it trying to be a little nice, but the top of Notre Dame Hill there, going up to Montgomery where our kids go to school is a death trap, with people playing chicken. It’s a death trap. People are playing chicken. I almost just died again. Our ward councilor guy goes through there every day because I know where he lives. I can’t believe you guys let this go and that’s the route that children take to school. The only route because the damn bridge ain’t fixed. That should be the first priority on potholes. How many buses go up and down that hill? I’m sorry the mayor never comes out this end. He don’t care. He don’t care about his own. Before kids or me myself or my vehicle gets hurt, fix them god-damned things. Thank you.

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