
PulseLine, March 2, 2013

Hello, Meadow Street!

Yes, I’d like to congratulate the food pantry, on their office, how good the windows look with the different decoratives, how good a job their doing in the city. And.. that’s about it.

This whole Ward 2 council seat stinks of political furor. And, unfortunately, the skunk that is emitting these smells is in residence at city hall. Peter Miller resigned, retired from the city council, because his good friend in office number one had another job for him in city hall, of course. They just love to take care of each other. So, what’s the deal? Is Ward 2 ever going to get a councilman? Or does his highness have to wait again? Just a question… What’s more insulting? People who don’t tip their paper carriers? Or, the paper, which pays them ten cents to deliver it? Now I ask you: what is the answer? I’ll tell you what I think… but you already know.

I truly love the PulseLine and I truly love the police log. Why, however, is it the city of Westfield taxpayers’ responsibility to incarcerate unruly students at Westfield State College? Let them build their own cell and take care of their own problems. These students are out of control. Expel a few! They’ll get the message. Otherwise, Westfield State, get yourself a cell, and lock your own animals up.

Today I stopped for a school bus in front of Abner Gibbs Elementary school, and 4 cars sped by me, cursing me for stopping in the middle of the road. The bus was on the other side of the street, stop sign out, lights flashing, and a line of young children boarding. Are we not supposed to stop for school children anymore ?? On a different day I stopped at the crosswalk in front of the antheneum for a person crossing, and the car behind me started to drive around me, then slammed on his brakes when he saw the person crossing. I thought he was going to hit him. If a car stops in the middle of the road, it is usually for a good reason. PAY ATTENTION DRIVERS !!

Yes, I was reading in your newspaper Thursday, February 28th in the PulseLine, about people who deliver the newspaper.  I agree 100 percent with this woman who said that they’re not getting their tips.  And, number one, I blame that on you, for taking away the responsibility of these carriers to go and collect money.  How are they ever going to learn responsibility when you’ve taken that away from them? It’s like one carrier said to me: it’s like you don’t trust them.  I think what you did was very poor taste.  Thank you. What happens when just one of those kids gets attacked, molested, or robbed? You can’t imagine the stories we’ve heard of situations these carriers run into so, to eliminate any potential issues, we decided to make our subscribers pay the office directly. Sadly, others may not be as nice as you are. Additionally, if you would like to give your tip to your carrier you can do that or apply it to your bill and we can give it out. The only way a carrier is not getting a tip is if the subscriber doesn’t give them one. Lastly, if anyone has a concern about any matter of the paper, please call our owner, Patrick Berry at 562-4181 ext 101 for a discussion rather than an anonymous submission to the PulseLine.

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