
PulseLine, March 20, 2013

Considering there is a snowstorm coming tonight, apparently, there is someone on Noble Avenue who has a large poster in front of his house that says Think Spring, with a window box filled with daffodils.  That might make a good picture.  Thank you.

Hi! This is to the snow plow driver that did this last snow plow. He did an excellent job. He was one of the best drivers, probably, in the whole city.  I never had my street so beautiful as when he did it.  And I want to recommend him and I want to recommend him to do Mullen Avenue every snowstorm.  He not only made a beautiful wide road, he cleaned up what was left from the last storm.  And to the DPW: you keep him! He is excellent. The greatest that has been.  Have him on Mullen Avenue for every snowstorm.  Thank you very much and thank you driver. Bye.

Dear PulseLine, Since we the voting public were not allowed to answer any questions at the school use meeting that Mr. Blair referred to in March 19 Letter To The Editor! Here is one the voters of Russell should think about! The Town Clerks Office has a fireproof vault that also has a combination lock. Town records of births, deaths and marriages are stored safely there. Also ballots for town, state and federal elections are kept there. It is a state and federal law that they must be kept secure from fire or theft! How much will it cost our taxpayer to install a vault of the same type in the old Russell Elementary School? At a time when our town can’t pass a school budget to educate Russell’s children are we diving into a money pit? Why not keep some town offices in The Old Town Hall? If its not broke don’t fix it!

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