
PulseLine, March 24, 2014

Well, it’s certainly informative that the mayor has five-year plans for the important downtown streets. However, the rest of us need decent roads to get to work and drive around locally every day. Let’s be honest, the local roads are in critical condition, many of them barely passable. We need some serious help here and five-year plans are just not acceptable anymore. And where are those city councilors? No one from the DPW or the city council (at least my city councilor) or the mayor’s office responds to calls or emails and who can blame them? And let’s contact our new senator in Boston, what is he doing to help? These road conditions are an embarrassment, especially when you have no realistic plan to rectify the situation. Come on fellow citizens, get on your phones and emails and demand some solutions! If we all just sit around silently hoping the city will respond, it’s just not happening!

Hi Pulseline! I’m writing in reference to the Wed. Westfield News PulseLine item regarding the Housing Authority replacing refrigerator/freezers. Could someone from the city please tell me how many of these are being replaced? Also, how old are the ones that are being replaced? What is the expenditure for this? Just curious as to where our tax monies are going, and what our monies are going to.

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