
PulseLine, March 27, 2014

Who ever suggested we use Voc School student help when constructing parts of the new Senior Center might want to take a look at the gazebo they were supposed to build in the new downtown square. It just is not happening folks! Au contraire. According to Ward 2 City Councilor Ralph Figy, progress is being made on this three-year-old project. The engineers involved have resolved all their issues. As a result, materials for the construction are out to bid or are on order. The projected date to see activity on the Green will be sometime in May.

I got any idea for the fired department. Maybe if they stop sending deputy chiefs out on people who lock themselves out of their vehicles they’d have enough manpower to staff all the substations and other fire department shifts. That’s a good idea.

Hi! Whoever decided to bring in Burke Brothers to help fix the potholes needs a handshake and a pat on the back. That was a very wise decision. Let’s face it – it was just overwhelming this year. Once again, thank you. Bye.

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