
PulseLine, March 7, 2013

This is not the first time I’ve asked this question. Seems like whoever in charge at the paper only prints what they deem the public needs to see. Think this went on the Nazi area at the same time. What did the new windmill, wind object on the $500,000 clock, which is now a bicycle, cost us? I’m sure it wasn’t put up there for free. This editor, whosever in charge of this seems to only print articles he wants to see in print. I wish you people down there would grow up. Whoever is in charge of the PulseLine at The Westfield News should watch Bill O’Rielly. His statement of fair and balanced should ring loudly in your ears. You seem to be willing to only print what you want to see in print and it’s getting really tiring. We know you’re in the mayor’s pocket so let’s just concede that fact and move on. HA! Love conspiracy theories. It was $2,500 to add the bike on top of the clock tower.

Let me ask you people who stop and Stop & Shop how stupid security must be at Stop & Shop when you go there. You see all these people shoplifting and they don’t do nothing about it. So, Stop & Stop management please step up your security. So, let’s see if we understand this correctly…  you were AT Stop and Shop and witnessed, or participated in, shoplifting in the store. Then, instead of speaking with police and/or store management you DROVE HOME and contacted the PulseLine?

Southwick Police Chief: I didn’t want to say anything to the police officer on duty at 7:57 a.m. Wednesday morning at the Powder Mill School, Thoroughgood Road crossing, as he’s watching the children, I quote, “watching the children” cross the road, because the crossing guard wasn’t there. He didn’t even bother to walk into the middle of the road to make sure all traffic stopped just observed them from the edge of the road. These are our children he’s supposed to be helping across the street to ensure that they don’t get hurt. Tall, thin bald guy with a moustache and a goatee.

I read in your newspaper (The Westfield News) about a year ago, that a gas-fired electric generating plant will start construction in Westfield this spring of 2013. Is this date still viable? Can you give us the latest update on the construction schedule? This project is no longer moving forward, for now.

This is to City Hall. Years ago you purchased a tar machine for the purpose of using it in the wintertime, by putting in cold patch and heating it up. That’s why you bought it, and for some reason, you either can’t find anyone who knows how to use it, or don’t want to. It seems you’d rather see how many cars you can destroy than go out and fix the holes. … I see our beautiful rotary, green, is being well-used. By the kids with their skateboards. Because today when we went by, there was at least a half-dozen kids with their skateboards, hanging off the light poles, and it was still daylight. So we were forced to spend all this money so these kids can ruin it. It seems kind of funny not one patrol officer stopped them from doing it. So there goes our expensive, expensive project that you just HAD to have. Now being destroyed by our local kids. Asphalt is needed to use the hot-box.  Westfield has a contract with Lane Constrution to purchase asphalt.  They don’t open until April 1.  Palmer Paving opens earlier, the second or third week in March, but because of purchasing laws, Westfield can only buy $5,000 worth of asphalt from them and that doesn’t go very far.

Yes, I saw on the front page Wednesday where Dan Knapik, Westfield mayor, is facing budget challenges.  Well, he ought to, the way he spends money. Hiring all these new people and whatever.  I think Dan’s not going to see the corner office the next time around.  He may get a job with Deval Patrick.  Yeah, Patrick’s another one.  Thank you.

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