
PulseLine, May 10, 2014

Here it is Friday May 9th and I find the Police Log for Monday and Tuesday in the paper. Would it be possible to have somewhat up to date information in the paper? Thank you. With a small reporting staff we do our best to cover as much news as possible and deliver it as quickly as we can. Some weeks we have news leads that need to be followed up on and that takes a priority over the emergency services logs.

Good Morning PulseLine! I had pledged to submit a Positive Pulseline Post every day but as I went through my day I realized how difficult it would be to just post one positive comment about Westfield. Everywhere I looked there was good stuff happening. That said, I’m going to go with the WHS Bombers baseball win in Wilbraham yesterday. With their win they are now in the D1 playoffs. It took every member of that TEAM to make it happen just as it takes every member of the Westfield community to make a GREAT community. Keep the momentum going boys and keep the momentum going Westfield!!!

PLEASE help the MSPCA find the person who dumped 25 plus cats in Southwick. They are friendly and starving. Some of them are pure bred Siamese and Snow Shoe Siamese. We need your help. A $1,000 REWARD has been set for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person/persons responsible for dumping these cats. The information we have thus far is: His name is Doug. He is a maintenance man who cleans out apartments/houses. Most recently he had been working at an apartment in Russell where the cats had been left!!!! Instead of doing the right thing and notifying the authorities; he opted to DUMP them in a lot in Southwick!!!! Doug drives a black, or dark bluel; SUV or S10 P/U with primer spots on it. He has been seen at the Elm St. Dunkin Donuts in Westfield. We believe he lives in Westfield, Russell or Southwick. If you know Doug, or see this vehicle, PLEASE, do the right thing and call Roy Sutton at the MSPCA 413-448-6046. THANK YOU for the help.

This mayor is a pompous arrogant clown. His job offer was likely rescinded after the sign case and ethics charges came to light. I noticed that Mr. Francis didn’t ask him if it was true that he had been looking for, or offered, another job. I don’t know who his more delusional, Knapik or Bean. Knapik claims to have “legions of supporters” and Bean thinks he is qualified to be mayor. Someone should check the weed inventory at the police station. Knapik couldn’t get re-elected as dog-catcher – which is rather funny since he’s the one that is unfairly terminating Mr. Frazer.

Maybe the mayor’s legions of supporters can each kick in a few bucks to pay his legal bills! He broke the law intentionally. He should be paying the $93,000 – not the taxpayers.

Are you kidding me? No coverage of the man-made global warming flood that swept across EMCC on Thursday?? Cover-up, or swept under or just buried??? Lighten up, Francis.

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