
PulseLine, May 17, 2014

I love the theory that if you give people a smaller trash can they will produce less trash. Is this part of the new math? We are already recycling and it won’t increase just because you have us use a rolling barrel instead of bins. Please leave my 96-gallon container as trash and give me a 65-gallon recycling container instead.

Hi! I called my councilwoman, Mary O’Connell a little while back with a question and she said she’d get back to me within a couple days and sure enough she did get back to me within a couple days and gave me an answer to my question. The other day I received a card from her in the mail saying again she was sorry she couldn’t help me out anymore but she enclosed some information she gathered for me so I’d understand the situation better. I call this a service above and beyond the call of duty. She’s got my vote the next time around. Thank you.

Hi! I was reading in the paper the editorial from the Ashes and I agree with them 100 percent. It should be the people that live up here on Prospect Hill, not political. Foleys, it was just a wonderful place to go get ice cream cones, penny candy, whatever. Gritton’s market and also I would like to remind them I remember going to the dances at Prospect Hill School – it was just unbelievable. I’m 73 years old. Lived up here all my life, born, brought up. Unbelievable. Also, we had field days at Sadie Knox playground. And I would still like to know what happened to the bronze sign on Sadie Knox playground, wherever it went. Thank you.

The Ward 2 councilor’s comment that the MSBA process could also impact accreditation of Westfield High School sounds like a fear tactic.

People here in Westfield should congratulate the postal workers that picked up the food, the food bank volunteers for sorting it, to help the community. People should tell them that they did a good job in what they did last weekend.

Yes, I was reading in the PulseLine the other day a gentleman was complaining about Velis, our representative being a Democrat “Boy he got ahead fast.” That’s normal, what happened to him. I hope he’s not angry because Mr. Velis is a fine, outstanding, young man who served us in Iraq. Unless that’s bothering him. Then he goes on to say get rid of the Governor, which he’s going to retire, good and get rid of Obama. I’m not one-precenter like you are, obviously, because I really want equal pay for women and I really want to have the minimum wage raised but I suppose in your position you’re probably right in your view because you gotta be a one-percenter. How can you say such dumb things as that? Get rid of Republican Congress which is doing nothing to help this country. Thank you. Rep. Velis served his country in the war in Afghanistan.

Hey howya doin today? I’m just wondering if you can answer a question why they had the same police log and court log in the paper for three days? Everything was the exact same thing for Friday, Saturday and Monday. I mean, the paper is thin enough as it is and people are paying more money for it. And now they are using the same police log over and over and over – the same news every day. So I was just wondering if I wanted to read the same thing over and over I’d buy one paper and read it three times. Ok – I was just wondering why. Thank you. You need to look again.

Westfield DPW Engineer, Westfield Police Department Safety Officer: concerning Little River Road. coming out of Southwick heading into Westfield on Little River Road, you come up to the stop light by Shaker Road. Is this a one-lane or a two-lane? You have people trying to pass on the right, shaking their fists at each other, blowing their horns. If it is a two-lane, let’s put lines on the road and stop some of this nonsense. Thank you. Since Little River Rd (Route 187) is a state road, the City has pursued a state improvement which is currently programmed for fiscal year 2016 that will add the lane and a signal accommodation.

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