
PulseLine, May 20, 2014

Regarding Friday May 16 Letter to the Editor: Thank you, Mr. Mederios. You summed it up re: land-taking and out-of-towners. Regarding Councilor Flaherty’s article from Saturday, May 17: if only more councilors would listen to you, then tyrannical rule would be eliminated. Land-taking is wrong.

Hello, Westfield! I am proud to say I have been living in this city all of my life, give or take a few months here and there. I signed up to vote when I was of age and I voted every time there has been an election and I am happy to say I did not vote for eminent domain Knapik. I think we should start thinking about a new mayor in Westfield and maybe some new councilmen. They don’t have to last as long as they can hold out like Congressmen, you know, and waste all of our time. But what is going on in Westfield now is plain old crap. I think Mr. Potato Head would be a better mayor for Westfield. At least he’s got a good clean face, good clean look and I’m sure he’s got more common sense, more smarts, then the guy we have in there now. – The Guy from Shaker Road.

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