
PulseLine, May 30, 2013

I would like to take the opportunity to recognize and thank the professionals who staff Noble Hospital especially those in the ER and Telemetry Unit. Going to the Emergency Room is usually a scary experience but then having to be admitted to the hospital after being in the ER doubles that concern. The Nurses, Technicians, Doctors at Noble were professional, caring, knowledgeable and friendly. A hospital is a building with a lot of equipment in it. What differentiates a hospital are those who work in it. Westfield should be proud of and thankful to all those who work to make Noble a jewel and an asset to the Westfield community.

I have a different opinion about the cop a previous caller thinks “has nothing better to do than follow up on a 17 year old water balloon assaulter.” I think it’s that cop’s duty to follow up on every call, exercising proper prudence if there is more than one call to investigate, and get an answer. If the boy, and his father who is presumably an adult, was man enough to take responsibility for what he did and speak with the officer, the incident would be over and done with. Because he refused to speak and exercised his Fifth Amendment rights, as he has every right to do, the cop had to take another avenue in his investigation, which he has not only every right to do but an obligation. I think the boy should learn that you can’t get away with it by stonewalling, even if your dad’s willing to protect you. If you won’t speak with a cop, I see no reason not to require you to tell your story to the judge. Good for the cop, I say!

I’m just wondering what’s up with the residents of Court Street? Do none of them own a lawnmower? Maybe they could borrow one from one of their friends. C’mon!

Yeah, I’m calling with just a little complaint over the paper. I don’t know if there’s a lack of news but you redid the police log a couple days in a row. No biggie. And the other thing is the clock tower. I drove by and it ain’t opening up any more like it’s supposed to and whatever comes out, comes out. Please don’t fix it! Save our money! The budget is tight. Put it to other stuff. The clock tower looks fine. And then, third. You know, to Mr. Berry, I know and I understand why you’ve had to go with computers and all that other stuff. But you take phone calls. You should still publicize the phone number in there. I had people asking me for the number the other day. You know, so you can just publicize it and let people have it and put down “that comes last”, you know? So, I think that would be fair for the people of Westfield who buy the paper because they don’t have the number. And don’t say look in the computer because they probably don’t have one. OK, bye.

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