
PulseLine, May 31, 2013

Dear Councilor Onofrey, I was appalled at your comment in Tuesday’s front page article about the city budget: “ten minutes was more than anyone asked for”. With an attitude like that, I’m thinking Bob Paul may be the better choice to represent the neighborhood. As a taxpayer, I expect you and the other city councilors to do what it takes to control costs. The mayor obviously doesn’t have a concern about spending money. Please stop these never ending tax and fee increases. Please stop borrowing so much money. Please stop giving out ridiculous raises and benefits to city employees. We are counting on you, Chris Crean, David Flaherty, John Beltrandi, and Chris Keefe to hold the line. I wish you all could convince Bean, Adams, Sullivan, and Harraghy to step-up instead of kissing-up. Actually, with Harraghy, someone ought to check his pulse every once in a while.

What’s wrong with those people in Southwick? Insinuations of theft, rudeness, other examples of idiocy. The worst I’ve heard is that dingbat who keeps calling her colleagues “liars” and has her cop boyfriend in the audience backing her up now and then. What a pathetic lot. Move somewhere else if you can’t get along with others and play nice.

Congratulations to Nicholas Boldyga for his efforts to end welfare fraud in this pathetic state. On the other hand, the chutzpah of Brian Ashe commenting about welfare reform is laughable at best. Your party, Mr Ashe, is responsible for this travesty. Each and every time fraud is reported, your Governor, Deval Patrick, attributes it to anecdotes. The Senate was asked to require picture id’s on EBT cards and 30 DEMOCRATIC Senators voted NO, Mr Ashe. The deadbeats that feed at the public trough are the same crowd that supports Obama, Patrick and all the leftist in the Democratic Party that perpetuate this farcical system. Free phones, free food, subsidized housing and most galling of all, FREE CASH via EBT cards. Thank your allies in the Democratic party for this travesty, Mr Ashe.

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