
PulseLine, November 11, 2014

Does anyone in city employment pay attention to the work contractors do? Workers are now painting the traffic lines on the streets recently paved, like Court St., right in front of city hall. You thought it was confusing before: is Court St. one lane or two? Try driving it now!! Now they tried to make it one lane, sort of, but in front of the old medical building, where there’s parking, it’s now a travel lane. The light at Washington St. heading east is one lane straight and one lane left but just through the light it’s two lanes. Good god these workers are inept. Could the PulseLine get an answer from Billups or the Mayor as to what the hell is going on?

So the Westfield High School gymnastics squad goes undefeated again. I’d like to commend this fine paper for covering them all year long, not just in the season-ending playoffs like the other paper in our area did. Oh wait, the other paper didn’t even cover their season-ending performance to remain undefeated. Thank you Westfield News for remaining true to your goal of keeping us informed of local events.

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