
PulseLine, October 15, 2013

Yeah, I’m calling to the Westfield farmers and people who take care of their own produce and gardens. If you’re looking for an ample supply of manure try Target Restoration. They’re out of Westfield, Westfield/Southwick area. You can try them because it’s all they same to push around. They were contractors but they don’t know how to do contract work. So, if you’d like this, look them up in the book. They’ve got plenty to go around.

I would like to know why Juniper Park has their handicapped parking spaces blocked off. My understanding is that’s illegal. Those parking spaces are for people that are handicapped. Now, I see a lady coming every week and she is handicapped but she can’t park there because they’re all blocked off. I would really like to know why this is happening because I feel bad for that lady.

I’ve got to say, these community preservation act funds, the definition of which is left so open and vague, they can be used to restore just about anything. Why don’t we try restoring the wooly mammoth? I’m sure that would go over big with the city council. $750,000 for an old brick building by the bridge? What a waste!

Thank you. Thank you, Westfield News. Regarding the awful bus tour buses that are trying to go into Walmart again there is no room for two buses when you have a thousand free parking for cars. It’s become a smoking station. Of course, the cigarettes are on the farthest end of their roadway. You’re going to put these bus tours buses on Court Street during construction? And then you’re going to expect them to be able to figure Elm Street, right off Elm Street in the Newberry pothole? C’mon Dan and Don. Wake up! Thank you, Patrick.

This is for the mindless idiot that threw glass on the Southwick bike trail. You managed to give a 74 year old senior citizen a blowout. Congratulations you moron, your parents would be proud of you!

Word to the wise. If your kids go out for Halloween, don’t let them dress up as a moose.

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