
PulseLine, October 9, 2015

I am writing to learn more of the status of the Gazebo located in our town square. I would like to know if the Gazebo as it stands has been completed and is ready for use? If there is still work to be done on it what is taking place and when will it be completed? Also has any total price for this project been determined? Thanks for your help. We reached out to both the Westfield Technical Academy and the City Engineering Dept. for the answers to your questions: The gazebo is currently not finished as the WTA students and advisors are in the process of trying to add a heating element so that it can be used year round. The gazebo project and the new idea of heating it has been a great experience for all the students involved as they examine the different options. The inside needs to be finished both with electrical and carpentry and cannot be completed until the heating aspect is resolved. It is expected that the carpentry students will be back next week to continue working on the inside. The current project is coming in at $200,000-$300,000 below the original estimates which is enabling the addition of heat to the structure.

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