
PulseLine: Pharmacies

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Where – oh – where have my favorite pharmacy technicians gone?  Maybe some of you have noticed the change of employees at a certain drug store in town?  It was bad enough when Brooks Pharmacy sold out – but we got used to the new store mainly because the valued employees stayed on.  To a regular customer, especially a senior citizen, that means – well – everything!  Why?  Because they know us – the medications we take, and yes – when and if we should be receiving the flu or pneumonia injections or the shingles vaccine, etc.  Maybe that means nothing to management but, to the paying customer it means everything. Did you ever imagine that some of us have no one at home and a kind word or gesture from your employees means the world to us and maybe – just – maybe that is why we come back to your store and spend our money, which pays your salary?  Well, you should because in more cases than not it is true. I for one have seen the recent tension behind the pharmacy counter and it truly saddens me, it used to be such a happy place and everyone was so pleasant. A good business is built on good products, good service and good human relations, which makes good friends and trust. One person should not be allowed to ruin this.

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