
PulseLine, July 24, 2013

I have heard stories about people paying it forward but I have never experienced that myself until today. I want to say thank you to the nice man who decided to pay it forward and paid 100 dollars towards my grocery bill today at Price Rite. There really are nice people in the world. Your kindness was greatly appreciated by my family. My kids witnessed a random act of kindness that I can only hope they will repeat sometime in their life. I will be looking for an opportunity to also pay it forward. Thank you so much kind sir.

Yes, I see where Jeff Daley in Westfield is gonna get another helper. I thought he had got one after he had first got the job. Where’s all this money coming from we’re paying these people? Oh, I forgot, tax raise, yeah. OK. According to Dan Moriarty’s story, federal grants allow up to 10 percent of the grant to be used for administrative purposes. The admin will work 10-12 hours a week assisting with audit reporting required by the funding agencies, making sure tax dollars are used efficiently on the downtown redevelopment project.

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