
PulseLine, October 11, 2013

Representative Humason, congratulations on your next step in becoming Senator and maybe on to Governor. Congratulations again. But my question is, and I’ll look for an answer, why doesn’t the government pay their bills on time, when they come due, without voting? In our household, my wife and I, the bills come due, we pay them and that’s the end of that subject. Government should pay their bills as they come due without voting on them. They’re due – pay them! Thank you, sir. I’ll watch for your answer. Hello PulseLine. This is Representative Don Humason. That’s a great question. I’ll confine my answer to what I know best, the Massachusetts state government in Boston, and leave the federal government’s problems to our congressmen in Washington. The simple answer is that most of the time we do pay our bills on time without the need for the Legislature to vote. Each year the Governor submits an annual budget proposal in January which the House and Senate modify and pass by July 1 that covers most expenditures for everything from the cost of running all the government agencies and programs to paying for debt and interest to covering other obligations like pensions and retirement. Whenever there are unanticipated expenses, like storm cleanup or snow and ice removal costs or a court case settlement, the Governor and Legislature vote on what’s called a “supplemental budget.” In the case of the end of a fiscal year, we debate and pass what’s called a “final deficiency budget” that closes the books on the past fiscal year and makes final payments to cover whatever deficiencies there may be. Next week, the House and Senate will likely debate and vote on the FY ’13 final deficiency budget for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2013. The reason it takes so long is that the state auditor and all the state agencies and departments need time to get their books done, so to speak, before a final reckoning can take place. When there is surplus money in an agency budget it reverts back to the state General Fund in a process called “reversion.” I agree with you. Government should pay its bills when they are due. And most of the time we do just that. I hope this helps. If you have other questions I’d be happy to try to answer them. As always, my constituents can call my district office at 568-1366 or visit my website at DonHumason.org. Thank you. Have a good day.

To Mr Frazer, I just checked regarding hunting of moose in Mass. The information I could locate, and please let me know if I am wrong and where I can get the correct information as I really do want to be up to date, states that it is illegal to hunt moose in the Commonwealth. You stated that at 12:30 you were aware of the moose but chose to let it go on its way. However, later in the day another call was made that the school children would be in harm’s way and that again you made an effort to get the moose to go on its way. During this time I am not sure how you were keeping an eye on the situation but instead of tranquilizing the moose and moving it to one of the many forest that the Commonwealth of Mass. has, chose to murder it. The different sitess that I have been to say that there are not really many moose to allow moose hunting like we have for deer hunting. Nothing can be done now to bring back the moose and I am sure that you want me to just shut up. I am just saddened that it happened this way and that the children of the area didn’t have to see, what was the word, dispatch the animal.

All are invited to join the students, families, faculty, friends and neighbors of Franklin Avenue School at our upcoming Spirit Night event Monday, October 14, from 4-9 p.m. at MoFroYo. A portion of all frozen yogurt sold during the event will be donated to the school and support the efforts of the teachers and PTO at Franklin Avenue. We will also have a raffle with a chance to win an indoor pool party at the Holiday Inn. Hope to see you and your family there for some Columbus Day fun!

OK everyone, here it is: Ken Frazer ACO did not advise nor kill the moose. Further questions notify the Environmental Police who killed the moose. I Know: I was there. Get your facts straight before you accuse someone. Ken is the best ACO we have ever had. His 24/7 hr is awesome-he works mega hours he doesn’t get paid for beyond the normal 40 hrs. He is dedicated to saving and caring for both wildlife and domestic animals. Enough is enough. How about writing something nice for a change?

Here I am sitting down eating supper reading tonight’s paper where the moose evidently charged Frazer three times and Office Sienkiewicz once. How come it never had any details like that when it initially shot it? And what’s the law about shooting 500 feet from a house or dwelling? I think they both should pay for the damn moose in blood, their blood. Thank you.

Can anybody tell me why gas is so much cheaper in West Springfield than it is in Westfield? I drove by three gas stations today and gas was $3.33 a gallon. I come up to Westfield and its $3.49 a gallon.

Hi! In regards to the moose story, it’s unfortunate that they had to kill it but the survival rate on the moose that are tranquilized is about 10 percent in the northern states, so it’s not very practical to do it. What I’d like to know is, where’s the beef? Thank you. Bye.

Reading the article in the paper about justifying the moose kill – bunch of crap. Why didn’t they just cut a hole in the fence and let it go to the river then and push it through? Just a fence. Kill a moose. Save a fence, ok? And they used to transport them up to October Mountain and Greylock all the time. That’s what they’d do. And yes, in heat makes it different. None of them are running down the mountain and attacking people and they’re in heat, all the ones they stocked up there. It’s all cop-outs, no planning, dinnertime, they were hungry. The police, that means, they were hungry. Lots of things could have been done.

Yes, I was just thinking there’s quite a bit of stories that’s been in the paper about the moose killing. Now why don’t we just drop it for now? There’s been enough talk about it. So, it’s over and done with. We know it was wrong, what they did, but there’s no sense going on day after day with all these calls in about the moose. And it’s sad what happened but, unfortunately, that’s the way it is. Thank you. AMEN! We will no longer be printing any comments regarding the moose.

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