
Rep. Velis’ weekly update

Hello Westfield and happy springtime!

After a busy week discussing the budget at the state house, my fellow representatives and I have finally sorted through over 1200 amendments and engrossed the House version of the state budget, ensuring that programs like social services, veterans, elder affairs, public safety, education and local aid are funded for the next fiscal year.

I was able to include in the House budget money to be spent on the Westfield WHIPP Museum and the Westfield Athenaeum. Should they pass the Senate, these earmarks will help to improve the safety and restoration of these Westfield landmarks. Additionally, my colleagues have secured funding in the House budget for Western Massachusetts programs like Soldier On, the new UMASS medical school program in Springfield, and several other programs that will directly benefit Hampden County.

All of these budget amendments have been passed by the House and are on their way to the Senate, where they will make their changes. The budget will then go to the Conference Committee where members of both the House and Senate will discuss the final budget proposal before being sent off to the Governor. 

On Monday during the budget debate, I had the chance to hear debates from fellow representatives proposing lower taxes. One of the amendments was set to institute a week-long meal tax holiday, where customers are not charged the 6.25% on meals. The other amendment was to lower the sales tax rate from the 6.25% back to the 5% it was before the recession.I believe that when we have the opportunity to do so, the state needs to put money back in the pockets of taxpayers. Therefore, I voted with my Republican colleagues to adopt these amendments. Unfortunately, most of my fellow members voted to send them to further study and they were not added to the budget.

Finally, yesterday I had the opportunity to attend the grand opening of the new PVTA Transit Pavilion on Elm Street. This is a new and important development for our city, and the exciting beginning to the downtown redevelopment effort. The building is beautiful! Afterwards, I was able to attend a luncheon with the Western Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association. This was a great chance for me to show my appreciation for our local law enforcement officers- they do a fantastic job with supporting our city, as well as keeping us safe. It was an honor to sit with them and learn about their priorities.

That’s all for this week, folks. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns you may have. We can be reached at (413) 572-3920 or [email protected]!

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