
Rep. Velis’ weekly update



Good morning Westfield! It has been a very busy week here in the city so I’ll get right to the update.

On Tuesday, Governor Baker paid a visit to Westfield Technical Academy to tour the Aviation Maintenance program. Students in the program had the opportunity to talk with the Governor as he made his way around the school. They demonstrated and explained what they are learning and how it will prepare them for their future careers.

I am sure you have all heard about the skills gap here in the Commonwealth. Yesterday morning I attended a meeting with the Superintendent, Principals, and business leaders here in Westfield. Our topic of discussion was once again the skills gap. We discussed the need to ensure that our students are learning skills that will set them up for success post graduation. In a time when the cost of education is high and student loan debt is daunting, we need to make sure that our students are well equipped the enter the workforce when they leave school.

Westfield Technical Academy’s aviation maintenance program is a direct response to this skills gap. These students are learning valuable skills that will help them fill open positions when they transition from school to the workforce. I commend Westfield Technical Academy for taking the necessary steps to provide students with these opportunities.

On Thursday, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Secretary of Health and Human Services, Marylou Sudders, came to Westfield for the grand opening of the Gandara Esperanza Women’s Program at Western Mass Hospital. This program fills a very important need in our Commonwealth and our community. It is a transitional support program which provides 30 beds to women who are post-detox and recovering from substance abuse.

I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful it is to have a program like this in Western Mass. I am even more proud that it is right here in Westfield. As I have said before, the opioid crisis does not discriminate. It is affecting so many, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. As a Commonwealth we need to make sure we are providing access to care and support for individuals in all stage of recovery. This program is a step in the right direction. Thank you and congratulations to Western Mass Hospital and everyone involved in this vital addition to our community

That’s it for this week Westfield! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns at [email protected] or 413-572-3920.

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