
Ribbon cutting on Tuesday to highlight new boat ramp

SOUTHWICK – The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game and Office of Fishing and Boating will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the South boat ramp on Congamond Lake at 8 Berkshire Ave. The ceremony will focus on the re-construction of the South ramp.

Southwick Town Hall. (WNG File Photo)

At a cost of more than $300,000, the Office of Fishing and Boating funded the project that began in April and was contracted by BTT Marine Construction from Boston. The work consisted of replacing the South boat ramp along with installing sheeting around the ramp and building a truss wall. The new ramp also includes a floating dock for people to access with their boats and vehicles and is also handicap accessible. The new South ramp finished just in time for 4th of July weekend and features 18 parking spaces.

The previous ramp was roughly 50-years-old and had a number of issues. According to Town of Southwick DPW Assistant Dick Grannells, the ramp was flat concrete, but because the ramp was so short, things would wash onto the ramp and cause it to be slippery. It also became difficult for people to back up their boats or vehicles near the ramp since it was so short.

“People just didn’t want to use it,” said Grannells.

Tuesday’s ribbon cutting will feature Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matt Beaton, Fish and Game Commissioner Ron Amidon, Fish and Game Chief of Staff Bob Greco, as well as Sen. Don Humason, Rep. Nick Boldyga, and town officials.

Greco is looking forward to doing a ribbon cutting for a project that is so vital to Congamond Lake and the local community.

“I think the importance of this project is that Congamond Lakes is an incredibly heavily used and recreationally-used area,” said Greco.

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