
Roadway study reveals below average scores

SOUTHWICK – A pavement management program was presented to the Board of Selectmen last night, and the results of a road study showed Southwick fared a bit below average.
Anthony J. Garro, vice president of Beta Group, told the board Southwick’s roads scored an average of 61.75 out of a possible 100 points in the road surface rating (RSR).
When compared to similar size towns receiving similar Chapter 90 funds, Southwick came in a few points below average.
“Comparable towns scored in the mid-60s, so Southwick is a little low,” Garro said.
Garro said Beta has studied numerous communities and its lowest road score was in Bethany, Conn. with a 54, and its highest was Brookline with a score of 84.
Beta contracted with Southwick last spring and spent several weeks taking an inventory of the town roads. Garro said Southwick has 70.07 miles of accepted roadways, plus 10.06 miles of unaccepted roads, 6.87 miles of state roads, and 6.68 miles of privates roadways, totaling 94.37 miles.
Beta focused only on the accepted roads and provided Department of Public Works Director Randy Brown with a GIS map of the roads and the non-proprietary software so the town can update it as needed.
Beta developed repair strategies for the town and created a priority list.
Garra made a PowerPoint presentation and outlined a few of the town’s RSRs, including Kline Road, which received a score of just 10, and Hillside Road, which received a 100.
Beta estimated the cost to repair all roads at $11.75 million and offered a capital improvement plan and maintenance plan. The CIP included a “Top 10 Roadways” list, with Kimberley Drive – with a RSR of 1 – at the top of the list, and Point Grove Road – with a RSR of 65 – at the bottom.

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