Westfield Newsroom

Robert C. Sacco


Municipal Light Board Ward 6 Incumbent

Name: Robert Sacco

Address: 65 Devon Terrace, Westfield

Occupation: Attorney

What experience do you bring to this position?

As a member of the Gas & Electric Board for15 years, during which time I served as chairman for six years, I have been a strong advocate for the ratepayers of Ward 6. I have developed policies that ensure that ratepayers have competitive rates and excellent service. In addition, I have been involved in the planning and implementation of Whip City Fiber, which has been a tremendous success giving Westfield residents an excellent alternative local internet service.   As an attorney, I have represented other local municipal electric departments, and have extensive knowledge of the laws and operations related to municipal electric departments. During my chairmanship I have remained committed to providing oversight free of politics which provides superior service and rates to my neighbors in Ward 6 and the residents and businesses of Westfield

Why is having a municipal utility an asset to the city?

Westfield Gas & Electric Department is an incredibly valuable asset to Westfield. As a locally owned utility it focuses on serving Westfield residents with gas, electric, and internet at competitive rates. While on the Board, the Department has had a customer service rating of 95% or greater for the past ten years. While members of the city council have advocated for its sale, that position is shortsighted. As a locally operated and controlled utility the WG&E remains responsive and accountable to the community, providing service and rates superior to Westfield, not profit to stockholders.

Why should residents vote for you?

My experience and legal skills make me the best qualified candidate to guide the Department as it continues to expand Whip City Fiber and provide excellent service and rates. As an attorney, I am the only candidate with extensive experience negotiating, strategizing, and analyzing operations and cost effective delivery of services as the WGE expands its capacity. Among other things I have been involved in the planning and implementation of price hedging policies which avoid large swings in prices and keep rates lower, continued funding of a reserve account for emergencies and the Southwick lateral pipeline which has meant Westfield, unlike out neighbor communities, is not subject to a new gas connection moratorium. I have been a strong supporter and advocate of Whip City Fiber and making it available to all the residence of Westfield. The Westfield Gas & Electric is a $70 million a year business. It demands experienced leadership, not political partisanship. Experience and knowledge matters.

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