
Southampton residents oppose city subdivision

WESTFIELD – The Planning Board is reviewing the preliminary subdivision plan for development of 11 lots as part of a court settlement after denying an earlier version of the project.
One of the primary concerns of the board and nearby residents is that the land where the proposed subdivision may be constructed is accessible through Southampton via Old County Road, described as narrow and winding by residents.
The property, held in a trust, abuts the city line with Southampton at the end of Old Long Pond Road which is a private way in Westfield. As part of the negotiated settlement the developers agreed not to use that road.
The proposed R&L Golden Acres subdivision plan does not comply with the Planning Board’s subdivision requirements. The developers are seeking several waivers from those regulations.
Those waivers request the board to approve a proposed subdivision road that would be only 20-feet wide, and would not have sidewalks, hydrants or a drainage system. Drainage would be swells on either side of the road and a high crown in the center of the road for sheet drainage flow.
The subdivision houses would not have city water or sewers.
The developers first presented details of the project to the Planning Board at its July 15 session and made changes recommended by the board.
One change presented last night was to increase lots to two acres because of the need to have both drinking water wells and subsurface septic disposal.
Last night the developers said the Land Court mediation process is still ongoing as the subdivision plan takes shape and could change the definitive subdivision plan that will be presented to the Planning Board.
One of those changes is the request to use Old Long Pond Road instead of Old County Road in Southampton.
Old County Road residents petitioned the Southampton Board of Selectmen to intervene and a public meeting was conducted with information provided by the Southampton Fire and Highway department directors.
Town officials have stated that the town is not in the financial position to make improvements to that road, improvements such as widening the street, which would be needed to address safety concerns arising from a greater volume of traffic using the road.
Board members raised a number of issues such as transportation of schoolchildren and the fact that they would have to walk a considerable distance on a narrow road without sidewalks. Other issues include how the city would plow and maintain the street and how emergency response vehicles would access the subdivision.
The board voted to continue the preliminary subdivision plan review to its Oct. 21 meeting.

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