SOUTHWICK – The Select Board approved the formation of an ad-hoc committee to address issues at the lakes, specifically an outflow problem to several brooks.
“The basic issue right now is that we don’t have a good outflow for the lakes anymore,” said Lake Management Director Richard Grannells.
Grannells said Canal Brook, Parker Brook and Palmer Brook are not allowing for over flow.
“Palmer comes in from the left and joins Canal Brook, which results in Canal Brook flowing in reverse into the lakes during a rain event,” said Grannells. “The other part of the problem is a lot of feeder brooks are blocked by beavers.”
For every inch of rain that falls during a storm, Grannells said the lakes rise two inches. He said in order to give relief to Canal Brook, 4.5 miles of Great Brook, which is about six miles long, would have to be dredged and cleaned.
“It would have to be tended to way past (Route) 57,” said Grannells.
He said they would also need to go into Connecticut about two miles into Suffield and Granby. Members of the Citizens Restoring Congamond group asked to form a committee to study the issue and find solutions to the problems. The committee would include representatives from the lake management, health and conservation departments.
Selectman Arthur Pinnel asked if the group would seek membership from Southwick’s Connecticut counterparts. Grannells said they would and an identical letter was sent to the Suffield Select Board.
“It’s going to take a lot of leg work,” said Grannells. “We’re going to have to involve the DEP here and in Connecticut.”
Canal Brook was once 15 feet deep and is currently three feet because of weeds and beaver activity.