
Southwick DPW recaps winter season

SOUTHWICK – The Southwick DPW is working and preparing spring and summer road projects but has reviewed  the snow removal results from this past winter.

According to DPW Director Randy Brown, there were 12 plow-able snow events this past winter, with three of those being two-day events.

Unofficially, Southwick had 74 inches of snow, which is higher than the average winter for this region of the country.

Southwick DPW workers were involved in 12 plow-able events this past winter. (WNG File Photo)

“This was certainly a more challenging year than the last couple years,” said Brown. “Overall, I think it went pretty well.”

With a brand new salt shed this year, it certainly was helpful as the DPW used around 2,000 tons of salt while crews used 70 tons of sand.

Brown also mentioned that when storms had accumulations of two inches or more, 15 to 18 trucks were  brought in from outside contractors to assist Southwick DPW.

“The toughest are when we get those back-to-back storms,” said Brown.

In total, the DPW spent about $500,000 out of their budget for snow removal operations.

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