
State approves $900k for woodstove program

WORCESTER – The Baker administration Friday announced a $900,000 investment in the Commonwealth Woodstove Change-Out Program, which provides rebates to homeowners who replace their older, inefficient woodstoves with cleaner, EPA-certified models that use less fuel and reduce energy costs.
“New, more efficient woodstoves will save homeowners money on wood costs, while improving public health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Woodstove Change-Out Program is an important part of the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to clean energy, and a healthy environment.”
Launched in 2012, the Commonwealth Woodstove Change-Out Program is administered by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER).
“This program is a perfect example of a multi-agency partnership that results in the use of lower-cost fuels and more efficient technology for Massachusetts’ residents, which will ultimately protect air quality in our neighborhoods,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg.
The program has helped more than 850 residents swap out their dirty, inefficient stoves for newer, cleaner models, with more than 350 of these rebates going to low-income residents. Residents installing new stoves can expect to save an average of $2,000 for each cord of wood they are currently burning, over the lifetime of the stove.
EPA-certified stoves on average require one-third of the amount of renewable wood sources to produce the same amount of heat as older models, while releasing 70 to 90 percent less particulate matter, which has been shown to lead to health conditions like asthma. Every 100 new stoves burning one cord of wood each per year reduce an amount of greenhouse gas emissions equal to taking nearly 50 cars off the road.
“Clean energy comes in many forms, and this program will once again allow homeowners to take control of their energy use, improve their own environment and save money at the same time,” said MassCEC CEO Alicia Barton.
“These rebates will make a big financial difference to those purchasing the cleaner and more efficient models,” said DOER Acting Commissioner Dan Burgess. “These new stoves will reduce emissions, heat more effectively and will improve the health and comfort for homes across the Commonwealth.”
Rebates range from $750 to $1,250, depending on emission levels and type of stove, and from $1,750 to $2,250 for residents who meet certain income requirements
“This is an excellent opportunity for homeowners to upgrade, save, and innovate,” said Senate Majority Leader Harriette L. Chandler. “I hope that many homeowners will take advantage of the Commonwealth Woodstove Change-Out Program.”
“The Woodstove Rebate Program is a great investment towards reducing our carbon footprint while also reducing energy costs for the citizens of Worcester and across the Commonwealth,” said State Representative John J. Mahoney
Residents must have an existing and operational non-EPA-certified woodstove to qualify for a rebate. To apply for a rebate, residents must visit a participating woodstove retailer, who will handle the application process on the residents’ behalf.
Rebate applications will be accepted until at least May 22, 2015, with the deadline being extended if funds remain. Residents can find a local participating woodstove professional by visiting www.masscec.com/woodstove.

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