
To the Editor

Hello Ward 3, and all of Westfield…as said a while back I have self-declared myself a Community Advocate; (in that this is what I have been doing), as such I am starting to get re-involved by attending The School Committee, L&O’s and the City Council meetings. I was reminded why I am a bit leery to get too involved by attending them. This debate about Water over Roads is a bunch confounding. You have 1 councilor submitting 20 questions about the matter, the day before the meeting, about the issue to be discussed, and he expected a response? I mentioned in Public Participation that there is supposed to be a Council liaison to the Water Commission who should have known about this a long while back. Maybe we need to have a sign in sheet of who attended the meeting and have that submitted to the City Clerk to be kept on file. The good Ward 1 Councilor has not only worked on this since being elected but for years prior. Nothing new. I know some councilors are remiss in attending their assigned sub committees. But, this is important and should have been brought to the whole Council to keep them up-dated. Anyway the pursuit of the funds to enable the city to take on this issue went through, but has to have a final vote on it. As to those good citizens of Westfield who complained to me about this issue; I did bring your concerns to the Council.

Another issue was to “dedicate” revenue from the meals and hotel tax for road work. 1. Dedicating money to one issue is foolish; what happens if an emergency issue comes up and we need to fund it? 2. We are looking money from the State, and if Washington can stay focused long enough, they are supposed to provide funds for infrastructure up grades. We may want to wait and see what they shell out on this. Lastly on this: I did mention that if some these Councilors keep providing ammunition to those we are going sue, that we are going to lose our suit, and with it a lot of money, or it is going to cost us a lot. I guess for some it is a matter of my issues first, and to heck with the rest. I feel your frustrations.

I did present to the School Committee the State’s plan to make passing a civics test to be a requirement for graduation. I had brought this up a few years ago when I was on Council, but where to fit it into the curriculum was the problem. But, if mandated it will have to. I pointed out the obvious that we really need a generation that knows what they are talking about when it comes to our principles of government, and not just play it as a game of Calvin Ball; making things up as you go a long, and insisting that this is fact. And, this next generation looks like they are going to be far more accepting or their civic responsibilities and civil authority. A quick rant: If you have paid attention to what is happening on this: I have seen nothing but mature reasonable and responsible behavior on their part. What do find disgusting is the pitiful behaviors of those who oppose what they are doing. David Hogg whining about not getting accepted, that they are paid actors…and other maligning comments. I guess if you cannot win the argument attack the completion. They are acting more like responsible adults, than the adults who oppose them. It really gets to me when athletes, entertainers, and now VICTIMS of this violence, are insulted for being responsible citizens, addressing as any good citizen should the issues that affect us. I guess their attack on Democracy and citizen participation, is a part of their efforts to undermine our American values and principles. Are the Red Coats coming back? OK, enough for now… I remain your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose…[email protected].

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