Westfield Newsroom

To the Editor

Hello Ward 3, and all of Westfield…First of all thanks for the response, still no lawyers in a probable neglect/abuse of a senior case, hopefully that will happen. But, I do want to thank Lt. Eric Hall, Community Police, for his help., I confided in him the possible effects of not getting meds and he responded immediately in finding me some sources to contact. Also, I want to thank the Rite Aid Pharmacists are still lending me meds until my doctor transacts my refills. It not depression, or me, but the effects of meds that can be life and death critical. Hey, isn’t it about time we have the courage and the maturity/responsibility to talk about this in public? Why must people suffer, and die from med mishaps when by being open we could save lives.

OK, I watched the city council meeting Thurs. night….I was going to attend but the side effects of med loss deterred me. Thank goodness…one good thing I guess from that mess up.   This seemed very Trumpian: yes, maybe, kind of, we’ll see, and, of course ending with no, to access the funds for cleaning water projects. We have to go through the process of getting the resources; don’t have to spend it right away, but if we need it, it is there. This is like not checking out a loan to repair your roof until it falls in???? I want to thank all the good citizens of Westfield that went to speak on this issue. It has always been my premise that we are the government; after all, we hire them, and pay for all that they do, and don’t do. And, as Americans our civic duties, Rights, and Responsibilities as citizens must be our most important obligation. I learned this at age 13, where are we folks…? Remember, you folks hired them, and too many do not do oversight!

From the minor leagues to the big: D.C. frolics…Giuliani says Trump new about the pay off, that Trump denies knowing about but told the American people he didn’t then the changes in the story: yes, maybe, kind of, we’ll see, and, of course ending with no. Sanders, and other White House spokes people must suffer from whip lash. Oh, remember the harsh criticism Trump gave Obama about disclosing a withdrawal plan from Afghanistan? Trump announces to the world the bombing of the poison gas site, so the Russians would not get hurt? What about the 100,000’s that the Russians/Syrians/Iranian have slaughtered. Then states that he is looking into downsizing US forces in So. Korea, before negotiations??? I thought that he was a shrewd business guy? And, of course, saying one thing to the Parkland people and another to the NRA? Folks no Party bias meant, but please…This guy blatantly lies to the American people, and for some that is OK. Remember from the start: Ted Cruz father was a part of the JFK assignation, Obama was not an American, John McCain, “was no war hero”. Please people. What I find facetiously humorous is that now the Dems are the States Rights/responsibility Party. And, Republicans is now the Party of bid DEBT and spending Party. While the Dems were the Party of the people, but not, and now the Republicans are the Party of the people but not either???   Ok. Oh one last on DC, Oh, how terribly we were taken by our allies, and our role in the world. America prospered much because of our actions at every level. The negatives come from Free Trade no responsibility economics of our times. Ok, a Reality Check on trade: China et al, have low wages, little expense till now, and little comparative real estate, banking, and finance cost, and those they pay, partially funded by American tax payers, or consumers: US. We have to evolve our business economics to lead, not follow the world. We really cannot stop US corps from going overseas save in rhetorical terms. But, we can and must be a part of the Next New Generation, and Human Epoch, as we were in the 40’s and 50’s. More later: your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose. [email protected]

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