
To the Editor

Hello Westfield, and especially Ward 3.  First of all I want to THANK all those real Americans who lived up to their civic responsibilities, and voted Tues.  The turnout nationwide was fantastic….  I am more than happy to see the House go Democratic.  As said, I wonder if Trump will do another in flight reversal on Dems to get their support or defer them from investigations?  I rarely give myself a pat on the back, but I called the results in Mass. pretty well!

I am most pleased that Gov. Baker/Lt. Polito won with higher numbers than guesstimated by the pundits.  Oh, and he has signed the legislation to upgrade CIVICS education; YES.  Remember, about 2-3 years ago I brought to the School Committee, and regularly to my editorials the vital need for that to happen.  With our youth on the move in taking up responsibilities abandoned by many adults this will better prepare and enable them to live up to their civic authority/    responsibilities.  And, maybe they could give some lessons to the adults who have little idea of the nature of our governance.  I still hear people say: “The Government” as if it was some foreign entity.  In America GOVERNMENT is US.  If I at 13-14 could have a voice in it, there is no excuse for adults not to be involved.  You can have a greater impact before legislation is past than after.  It may seem more gutsy to yell and holler about it, rather than actually learn, think, and get involved.  One of the real problems is that the Big 2 Parties have detached themselves from everyday Americans.  They neither consult with us, nor involve us.  That is fundamental to American Democracy.  Rather, they tell us what we need, and what they will do for us.  (Not American Democracy)  Is it no wonder that Trump was able to attract the alienated many?  And, no wonder, that INDEPENDENT voters are a majority?  I am also most pleased with having Richie Neal as our Congressional Rep., as said, for a minimum he is the likely to be Chairman of House Ways and Means; a real opportunity for Mass., especially Western MA.

While preferring Warren to be re-elected, I hope she does not run for President, as her strategy of counter attack is dysfunctional.  We do NOT need more negative rhetoric, and saber rattling.  We need people to bring us together, restore our integrity, and able to resolve our problems, and not make them worse by more conflicts between Americans.

On a more local question:  What is this big to do about the salary for Mayor?  I do not know why it is being discussed.  Mayor Sullivan did not request a raise!  Just as with the 4 year term, again, NOT Mayor Sullivan’s idea…. Both came out of the Council.  There is in rhetoric a concept called the Strawman.  You create a fictional issue, just to attack it, and blame it on someone else.  It looks like some is protecting you, when they are not.  Oh, well…

Again, I am most proud of all those who voted, and lived up to their civic responsibility to exercise their civil authority…. former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose…[email protected]

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