
To the Editor

Hello Westfield, especially those in Ward 3…SORRY, there is a temporary road block to my work to have a Day of Remembrance for John McCain and all American POWS.  First I am waiting to hear from Rep. Velis, I am sure that he I am sure he is busy after his tour of duty as this would important to him.  I do not want to violate the House protocols of having your Rep., present.  However, I do want to move on this so that the proposal can be included in the upcoming session.  There is a means by which I can go forward without violating them, or being an insult to Rep. Velis. I just have to reconfigure the plan.  My age and the weather have deterred me from street corner gathering of petition signatures, but I am working on that too.  As my time slips away, I want to do something that is meaningful to and gives me a sense of purpose and thus worth…that is important to all of us.

In the meantime: the news.  I love it how people can be so stubborn in their loyalties.  Earlier this past week, on a televised news conference President Trump said he will be proud to shut down the government, and that he would NOT blame the Democrats.  Then, blamed the Democrats and denied complicity…I am almost hoping that he does shut down the southern border as he is now, for his many supporters along that border would lose millions if he did.  He baffles me.  How did he succeed in business?

OK, the border, a reminder: The Great Wall of China did not keep the Mongols out, Hadrian’s Wall did not keep out the Scots and the Picts, the walls around Israel have not kept out the Palestinians, castle walls did not keep out invaders for very long…Oh by the way, the billionaire Narco terrorist were funded by American Demand, and their Supply have airplanes, ships, submarines, drones, and are great tunnel diggers.  As well, the reason these people are fleeing Central America are due to these same terrorists that our drug habits has funded, financial institutions have enabled, and our foreign policies for the past hundred years have created.  Millions of Europeans fled Europe and way they could to get here for far less.  OK, I know they were maligned too: Italians were mobsters, Irish were rowdy alcoholics and trouble makers, Eastern Europeans were Social/Communists and Labor Unionists; and worse they were Catholics…Remember the anti-immigrant stuff from the 1920’s???  And, for me personally using children as hostages, is more than immoral; but I guess these as long as you call yourself moral is good enough, you don’t have to act that way too.   OK, getting carried away…

A quick lastly, while I thought about it after a good number of people have asked me; I am NOT running for City Council.  Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose …[email protected].

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