
To the Editor

Westfield’s New Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Advisory Committee
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Advisory Committee (formed under authority of, and to assist, the City’s Planning Board) is comprised of citizen volunteers and city personnel, including representatives from the Westfield Police Department, Engineering Department, Friends of the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail, City Council, and Planning Board. With no dedicated budget, the Committee is also grateful to be receiving special assistance from Westfield State University (WSU). The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is the City’s first focused attempt to take a compressive planning at these issues.
The purpose of the committee is to provide community support for an increase span of biking and walking mobility. The committee’s adopted mission is to foster “a community in which the quality of life and the overall vitality is supported with wider mobility choices. Specifically, safe, convenient and highly connected options for biking and walking”. The committee is presently exploring ideas to improve upon: 1. Public safety and efficiency. 2. Public education for all ages (rules/laws of the road) including an enforcement program. 3. The anticipated transition from predominately motor vehicle traffic to sharing the road with an increased volume of cyclists and pedestrian traffic. 4. Determining what elements/areas need to be addressed such as solar push button signals areas, bicycle parking areas, lighting, high pedestrian/bicycle activity areas, sidewalk conditions and connectivity and street visibility problems such as hidden corners with oncoming vehicle traffic. WSU will assist by conducting field studies and public outreach to gather valuable information and data for the committee.
The Committee’s planning work also involves various assessment criteria such as sidewalk crossing safety needs, police enforcement, adequacy of bicycle parking, intersection crossing concerns, traffic volume and speed conditions/concerns, and safer bicycle/walk routes for school children.
In addition, The Columbia Greenway Rail Trail has proven to be a wonderful addition to Westfield, providing alternative access to many of the City’s business establishments and neighborhoods for visitors and residents alike. It also allows safer passages for walkers and cyclists on a dedicated trail for exercise, commuting, and social interaction. There are so many positive aspects regarding the Rail Trial that it is a win-win addition to the City of Westfield. As the development of the Rail Trail expands closer to downtown, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Advisory Committee’s work and mission is particularly timely to anticipate and address changing transportation modes.
As a volunteer team member of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Advisory Committee, it is an experience that is not only educational but a worthy community joint effort.
Cheryl Crowe
Planning Board representative to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Advisory Committee

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