
To The Editor

As said before this has got to be the worst election I have ever known, and I have known many over 50 years of being involved in them.  The last debate was pathetic.  While I agree with many Clinton is not a good choice, if Trump were to be elected it would be scary.  I bought his first book when it came out, read it and followed his career as fascinating but an example of doing anything legal or not to win. 

I do not get his appeal, especially to working people.  Being one, and knowing that he grew up and has lived all of his life in absolute wealth; never worked (labor wise); never worried about healthcare, losing his home, losing a job and having no money or anywhere near that….how can he relate to us?  He admits he has not paid Fed. Taxes like so many billionaires, and leaves the cost for us to pay?  OK, he is not the establishment, he just buys them, and uses them to exploit the systems.  He buys and uses the law, and as a billionaire wins as no one he sues, or sues him can afford to follow through. 

He is telling the truth!  Oh?  1,000’s of Muslims celebrating on 9-11 across the river in New Jersey?  When NYC the media capital of the world is right there and no one reported it?  That, Ted Cruz father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.  He said: no on respects women more than he does?  Over a year he has maliciously slandered, and rudely and crudely insulted lots of women; and he destroyed his first wife in their divorce.  That’s respecting women?  Not by any standards I am aware of.  He said he could walk down a street in Manhattan, shot someone and get away with it; then says Clinton is so corrupt she could shoot someone and get away with it?  He also wants to work with Pres. Assad who is responsible for killing over 500,000 of his people and making refugees out of millions. 

Look, I am a former Democrat so when I say these things there has to be a basis to it as: trashing John McCain, Marco Rubio, the whole Bush family and every Republican who ran against them, often with myth-information.  He has trashed the Republican Party to win the nomination.  Remember, “…it was rigged!”  For a businessman not to read their rules and know how it works that’s bad.  Now he is trashing our electoral process and inciting violence if he loses.  For me, while I know technically it is not, that is treasonous.  If anyone has rigged the election it is the admired Mr. Putin, and in his favor. 

But the scary part of this is his inciting violence.  He has urged his supporters to violence before, and is now doing it again if he loses.  There have been a lot of hot and contentious elections, but is this going to be the first election in American history that has not transitioned peacefully.  Is getting elected more important to him than our national security, for if it gets violent our national security is threatened by enemies within and abroad.  He has already gotten the endorsement of the KKK in Louisiana and White Supremists in the Northwest.  OK we do not like what is happening, but he is not the answer.  We can tolerate Clinton for 4years, but we must restore our sense of civic and civil responsibilities.  As this campaign winds down I will be writing to you about our options as Independent Voters.  The absence of the exercise of our citizen responsibilities, and authority is a part of the mess that so many complain about.  Your thoughts on this are welcomed, Brian Hoose. [email protected]

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