
To the Editor: What’s up with Westfield’s Gazebo

I received an inquiry from a constituent regarding the gazebo on the north end of Park Square in Westfield. She basically wanted to know if it was ever going to see any real use. I made a couple of inquiries to two people in the know, City Engineer Mark Cressotti and Ward 2 Councilor Figy. I thought I’d share what I found out because I’m sure other people are curious to know, too.
First, the gazebo’s interior is not yet finished. The doors to it will be kept closed and locked until everything is done. Once it is finished, the doors will be removed during the warmer months to make it an inviting attraction for pedestrians and other events. For example, it could be used for wedding photo shoots.
Councilor Figy informed me that the gazebo is expected to see completion in the spring. He said one of the last major projects is the installation of gas pipes so the gazebo can be heated when it’s cold. For example, it might be used for visits from Santa. A licensed, private contractor is being used to get the gas piping installed.
During the colder months, the doors will be put back on and the gazebo will be locked while not in use.
Mark Cressotti said that the slow progress is largely a result of the fact that the Westfield Tech Academy has limited ability to work on the gazebo because it has to work around the schedule of the students who are building it.
The gazebo has been a big win for the Westfield Tech Academy kids who built it by getting some real world experience. And the taxpayer also wins by saving some money on the construction of the gazebo.
Congrats to our Tech Academy kids on erecting another iconic structure to Westfield’s landscape. The community is eager to put it to use this year!
Steve Dondley
Westfield City Councilor, At-Large

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