
To The Editor: Who Manages Our Wildlife?

This past November 16,2015 Shira Schoenberg had a front page article In The Springfield Republican WILDLIFE BIOLOGY IN A RUT.  She pointed out that many law changes that wildlife biologists want are not being enacted!  In a recent artcle in The Country Journal Newspaper, the need for a moose hunting season was mentioned!  This proposal by our Fish and Wildlife Dept.had been brought up and disgarded for the past ten years!  Last week it was again not past in our legislature!  Many citizens not just hunters fisher persons and trappers want to know why wildlife biologists are not managing our wildlife! 

In 1974 animal rights extremist groups started taking wildlife biology our of the hands of the experts! They launched a anti trapping campaign featuring a baby raccoon caught in a steel wolf trap and a one legged beagle that had chewed off three of its legs!  These pictures were later proven false and staged but the damage was done. Our legislatures, in fear of voter wrath( loss of elected good jobs) voted to ban the use of leg hold traps to control fox and coyote predation!  In 1996 they got all traps banned despite strong opposition from our fish and wildlife department!  They even got our courts to not allow wildlife biologists to tell our legislature that without trapping our beaver population would skyrocket and pollution of our reservoirs and flooding of our roads would result! 

In 2002 their predictions proved true and a bill to use the humane conibear trap was proposed, for beaver control by fur trappers!  Animal rights extremist groups had their members flood the state house with pleas not to allow beaver to be killed!  One lady even brought school girls to a joint committee of our house reps and state senators!  Their pleas not to gut The Wildlife Protection act were taken over that of our wildlife biologists!  ANIMAL RIGHTS EXTREMIST GROUPS NOT THE MASS DIVISION OF FISH AND WILDLIFE MISMANAGE OUR WILDLIFE!!!

William A. Hardie,Sr.

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