
Velis addresses Hampshire College flag issue

WESTFIELD – State Rep. John Velis (D-Westfield) has sent the following letter to the president of Hampshire College in regards to the college removing the American flag from their campus.

President Jonathan Lash,
I am writing today to express my deep concern over Hampshire College’s decision to stop flying all flags, and particularly the American Flag, on your campus. It is unfortunate that this comes on the heels of the flag burning that occurred on Veterans’ Day. As a concerned citizen and a veteran, I am profoundly upset that your administration has labeled the American Flag a “disruptive symbol.”

It defies logic to purport that the removal of flags is any kind of a prerequisite to a meaningful and effective dialogue addressing “racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, antiimmigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors.” As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite in many ways. It is an absolute absurdity to imply that the display of our flag can incite disruptive behavior.

Firstly, there is no brand name, no ethnicity, no race, no sexual orientation, or gender identity attached to this flag- we are all in this together. Secondly, this socalled “disruptive symbol” represents the compelling basis upon which the right even to “address” these issues exists.

Do I need to remind you, Mr. President, that discussions surrounding these above groups would not even be possible if not for the sacrifices of our service members and veterans. Having the aforementioned discussion and respecting veterans are not mutually exclusive. I could not ignore the statement made by a student from your institution in which he referred to service members and police as “oppressors.”

At the risk of telling you something you already know, these so-called “oppressors” are the very reason why the freedom of expression is not censured or suppressed in our nation. They are the reason that the freedoms your students are exercising are protected.

In this Thanksgiving season, let us show respect to those who have disrupted their own lives to ensure your students’ safety and freedom of expression and acknowledge the disruption caused to the families who are receiving their loved ones in a flag-draped coffin.

Mr. President, put back those flags.

John Velis

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