
This week in Westfield history

November 23, 1884: Organization of the first women’s club. Although the title of women’s club was used as far back as the 1800s, the current one we know today was started in 1912. A group of interested women decided the city needed a women’s club. After many meetings and debates a full-fledged organization was created. This organization sported seven separate departments each complete with officers, a set of by-laws and a ready constitution.
While the organization started in 1912 it was not until October 7, 1914 that the first meeting was held. Mrs. George Cushing, the first president, led it. In the days before the women’s club had its own building, its meetings were held in the homes of members, the Red Men’s Club building and a Christian church located on School Street. As membership grew, the need for a clubhouse increased but the club had very little in the building fund.
As years passed more money was added to the fund and a building committee was composed. These woman included Mrs. Fred Parker, Mrs. Henry Chadwick and Ms. Lucy Gillett. Miss Lucy Gillett and Mrs. Fredrick Parker provided major funding for the building. The two made a generous pledge of 20,000 to the clubhouse provided that the club raise $5,000 that year. The quota was easily surpassed and in the end the women’s club had a total budget of 35,000 for their clubhouse. The clubhouse opened its doors in 1926 and still stands to this day.
Today the Westfield Women’s Club partakes in a variety of interests and community service projects. This includes the theatre department, which was added in 1923. The department provides live theatre to the community. It also includes workshops for cooking, arts and crafts, bridge, quilting and a monthly book club.
The Westfid Women’s Club also participates in outreach programs geared toward helping the community around them. They aid local Red Cross blood drives, provide three yearly scholarships to high school students looking to further their education and they help the local veteran community. The Women’s Club has much to contribute the community of Westfield.
Westfield Woman’s Club Motto
?In essentials, unity, In non-essentials, liberty, In all things, harmony.

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