
Westfield High Band plans drive by POPS concert for seniors


WESTFIELD – Although the POPS Senior Concert and Luncheon, originally scheduled for March 13 had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, Westfield High School Band Director Patrick Kennedy said they have a new plan.

Next Thursday, March 19, the Westfield High School band and jazz bands will play the concert outdoors in front of the school from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45.  Seniors can drive in to the school and around the front, and culinary students will deliver box lunches they have prepared to the cars.

“The culinary kids want to prepare the luncheon, and the band definitely wants to play for the seniors,” Kennedy said. “This way we can do it in a different way.”

Kennedy said non-perishable supplies for the luncheon, which is paid for by a grant from the Sarah Gillett Services for the Elderly, had already been purchased, and he and Culinary Arts teacher Courtney Stillings both still wanted to do something for the seniors.

Kennedy said there will be students out front directing the seniors on where to enter and drive to pick up the lunches.

“It’s going to be great,” Kennedy said.

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