
Westfield sees minor uptick in COVID cases attributed to vacations

Southwick cases remain low

WESTFIELD/SOUTHWICK -The City of Westfield had a minor spike in the number of new COVID-19 cases this week after multiple weeks in a row where the infection rate was at the lowest it had been during the course of the pandemic.

The Westfield Health Department reported 13 new COVID-19 cases throughout the city and one new death attributed to the virus. The total number of known cases in Westfield since the beginning of the pandemic now stands at 540 with 57 deaths. 

Westfield Health Director Joseph Rouse said that there are no known clusters of COVID-19 cases in the city. He said the uptick in cases is to be expected as people return from vacations. 

The town of Southwick remained at a lower infection rate with just one new case this week, bringing the town’s total to 74 cases. The lone new case was in isolation at the American Inn. 

Southwick Health Director Tammy Spencer said during Thursday evening’s remote Board of Health meeting that this week’s new case was the first new COVID-19 infection in the town in 18 days. 

The current infection rate for Southwick now stands at .7%, bringing the town back into the lowest risk category according to state health data.

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