
Westfield State University president search will be ‘transparent’

WESTFIELD- Westfield State University has formed a committee to aid in the search for the university’s 21st president in the next year after former President Ramon S. Torrecilha retired in July. 

The committee consists of 14 voting members and two non-voting members that represent WSU faculty, the Board of Trustees, and members of the Westfield community. 

In addition to the committee, WSU selected the search firm WittKieffer’to assist in the search for a new president. 

The search for a new WSU president comes after the previous two selected presidents were bogged down in controversy. President Torrecilha had a vote of no-confidence levied against him by the university faculty. 

Westfield State University Interim President, Roy Saigo, July 2020. (WESTFIELD STATE UNIVERSITY PHOTO)

Before him, President Evan S. Dobelle resigned in 2013 after a scandal in which he was accused of using university funds on personal expenses such as trips and electronics. 

Search Committee Chair and Trustee Robert Martin vowed that the search process would be “highly transparent” this time around.

Westfield State University is committed to making the current presidential search process highly transparent, with broad and diverse representation from all campus constituencies,” said Martin, “Additionally, we look forward to the proven expertise of WittKiefer, as the firm guides us through this important and comprehensive process to identify the best candidate to lead Westfield State University forward.”

In the meantime, Dr. Roy S. Saigo will serve as interim president, navigating through an academic year while the COVID-19 pandemic continues throughout the country. 

Martin said that he expects a new president will be in office next summer, ready to begin the 2021 fall semester.

“The Board of Trustees is encouraging campus community members to become involved in what we want to be a highly engaging, comprehensive, and collaborative search process, which will involve extensive input from key stakeholders from across and beyond campus. The search committee members will bring a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives to the search process,” said Martin.

He said that open forums are underway to gather feedback from the community on what qualities and characteristics are desired for the university’s 21st president. The search committee will choose three candidates to recommend to the Board of Trustees. The committee will give the board a statement on why each of the three candidates meets the qualifications sought by the university. 

Interviews will take place in the Spring 2021 semester and the final selection will be made in the summer.

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