WESTFIELD — At the Westfield Education to Business Alliance (WE2BA) meeting on Nov. 30, Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski said the schools are busy planning the return of some popular events, with plenty of opportunities for people in the business community and in the community at large to get involved.
“We have a lot of wonderful things going on,” Czaporowski said.
Science and Engineering Fair
The Westfield High School Science and Engineering Fair will return to the Westfield High school gymnasium on Feb. 9 to showcase projects in person by students from both WHS and Westfield Technical Academy, after running as a virtual event last year.
WPS Science, Technology and Engineering Supervisor Lauren Figy Cadigan said she is looking for volunteers to help judge the science fair, which is in its 22nd year. Judges do not have to be science or engineering experts, according to Cadigan.
“We love to have a lot of feedback for students,” she said.
In another exciting development, Dr. Jennifer Hanselman, dean of the College of Mathematics and Science at Westfield State University and a member of WE2BA, said that WSU will host the Region I Science Fair for both the high school level and middle school level. The high school fair will be on Saturday, March 5, and the middle school fair in late April or early May.
“Today, I’m really here to begin that planning project, and I look to you for any support in planning or judging,” she said.
Both Cadigan and Hanselman said anyone who has ever judged a science fair has enjoyed it, and called it “an amazing experience.”
Cadigan said the regional level is where projects are recommended for the international competition, and Westfield has had several students proceed to that level.
To volunteer as a judge in the high school fair, email [email protected]. In the college fair, email [email protected].
Credit for Life
Another popular event that is returning in person and live in 2022 is the Credit for Life Fair, which was cancelled the past two years, but will be returning to the Woodward Center at Westfield State University on Tuesday, March 8.
Community Outreach Coordinator Matthew Garlo is working with a committee to plan the event, and is looking for volunteers.
Credit for Life is designed for juniors and seniors, to help students take a realistic look at future finances through a life simulation. Students are given a random credit score and job when they arrive, and then have to figure out how to pay rent, utilities, food and other necessities and get around within their means, while at the same time avoiding the many temptations that are out there to overspend.
Banking professionals and others in the financial fields are welcome to participate, as are volunteers from the community who may wish to try and tempt students with offers that are too good to be true.
To volunteer for Credit for Life, email [email protected].
High School Career Fair
The High School Career Fair, geared to juniors from Westfield High School and Westfield Technical Academy, has been scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 8 to 11:30 a.m. in the Woodward Center at Westfield State University, also after a two-year hiatus.
Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski, who is coordinating the Career Fair with Eric Oulette, executive director of the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce, said his goal is to get 75 area businesses to sign up for a table. All tables are free of charge this year.
Czaporowski said the last time the Career Fair was held, some students left with jobs.
To sign up to participate, email stefan.czaporowski@schoolsofwestfield or [email protected].