WESTFIELD – Westfield State University reported just one new COVID-19 case this week to bring the semester total to 99.
The lone new case is the fewest number of new cases Westfield State has reported in a week since the first cases were reported soon after the beginning of the Spring semester. It reflects a trend of falling infection rates being seen across the state since March 31.
The single new case was a student, but Westfield State officials have not said whether the student is a residential student living on campus or a commuter living off campus. If they are a campus they would have been given the option to quarantine in Lansdowne Place on Thomas Street if they are unable to quarantine in their own home.
The case was detected out of 1,532 COVID-19 tests, giving Westfield State a seven-day percent-positivity rate of just 0.065 percent. The percent-positivity rate for the whole semester thus far is 0.519 percent. 99 cases have been detected out of 19,081 tests.