
Westfield VFW holding 70th annual March of Dimes fundraiser

WESTFIELD–When the American Legion Post 124’s annual spaghetti supper for the March of Dimes happens this year, it will have a little extra kick.

That’s because it will be the 70th annual supper for the nonprofit, and will cement the fundraiser as the March of Dimes’ longest-running consecutive fundraiser in the country. The dinner will happen on March 10 and 11, at 38 Broad St. from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and in addition to food and frivolity, the Post will also be having March of Dimes officials as guests for the special dinner.

Members of Legion Post 124 pose with members of the March of Dimes

Members of Legion Post 124 pose with members of the March of Dimes

“They’ve been doing this for 70 years and we would like to honor their work, so we will be honoring them at the kickoff of their dinner,” Marc Spencer, March of Dimes senior development manager, said.

The dinner will feature special guests from the March of Dimes, including families that have been helped by their work, as well as spaghetti, meatballs, dessert and coffee prepared by Legion members and volunteers, and even a special sauce prepared by Westfield High School and St. Mary’s High School National Honor Society students.

The dinner first began at the American Legion Post 124 in 1947, after a group of the post’s World War II veterans wanted to help fight polio. It has happened annually since, even if the March of Dimes and the Legion’s targets changed.

Now, March of Dimes works to help prevent premature births through education, research and community outreach. The March of Dimes also works with local hospitals, such as the Baystate Health Systems, to help provide improved outcomes with premature births.

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