
WHIPS announces grants

WESTFIELD – For the fifth year the Westfield Helps Its Public Schools (WHIPS) committee has used funds it has raised though the Into the Arts festival, STAR awards, and Can & Bottle recycling program to provide mini grants to Westfield Public Schools educators that explore new ways to make learning dynamic and challenging for themselves and their students. Eleven grant requests were funded totaling $4200.  They are:

Franklin Avenue Elementary School:

• Purchase of the TouchMath multi-sensory method to learn math facts

• Funding to develop a Math Reference Lap Book for students

• Support for Juggler’s Jam Circus for Learning, a program which helps students develop balance and juggling skills and teaches their relation to brain functions.

Highland Elementary School:

•Program support for The Explorer’s Club, an enrichment program for English Language Learners focusing on language development within the science curriculum.

Juniper Park:

•Funding assistance for an Artist in Residence, a program designed to inspire students to think creatively, look within, and translate that onto paper.

North Middle School:

•Purchase materials for an afterschool oil painting class

•Funding of a tofu and kite making activity to broaden students understanding of ancient China.

•Support to expand the Garden of Eatin’ sustainable produce garden

Westfield High School:

•Funding of a one-day creative writing retreat in which artists will work with high school students, who will then present their work to third graders.

Westfield Vocational Technical High School:

•Financial support to create an Afterschool Art Club

District Administration:

•Partial funding of materials to assist in presenting teacher development throughout the district.

VIPS also provided funding for four community service club projects: Franklin Avenue students creating hats for newborns at Baystate Medical Center, Juniper Park Spirit Club projects to spruce up the school, transportation for Southampton Road students to assist the Salvation Army with gift distribution
The VIPS program was established in 1993 to serve the students and staff of Westfield Public Schools with volunteers and programs utilizing volunteers. It is a 501 (c ) (3) charitable organization accepting donations and fundraising to support its programs.

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