Around Town

$10 gift cards being given out at Westfield HIgh School Vax Clinic Aug. 26

Sue and Ralph Figy (THE WESTFIELD NEWS)

WESTFIELD – Sue and Ralph Figy and Eileen Jachym, volunteers helping with the Pfizer and Janssen J&J COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Aug. 26 at Westfield High School will be at the doors of the high school from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. greeting everyone who comes for a shot, and handing them a $10 gift card. The free clinic is open to students, staff and community members ages 12 and up.[/caption]

Sue Figy said the gift cards are thanks to the generosity of Westfield Gas & Electric and Firtion Adams Funeral Home, along with many, many people in the community that have sent in gift cards, the vast majority of which are from businesses in town, but some as far afield as McCray’s Farm in South Hadley.

This will be the second clinic at Westfield High School. Seventy-five people received vaccinations at the first clinic, and this one has the capacity to serve 140 people.
Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-ins will be taken as slots are available.

Registration for the Aug. 26 vaccination clinic is simple to complete using a cell phone, tablet or computer, and going to . The link is also available at under COVID-19 Testing and Health Services.

Parents/guardians are able to give fully-compliant consent for their minor to be vaccinated through the digital sign-up process. Although a health insurance card is requested at sign up, health insurance is not required to participate in the free clinic.

The second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be administered at Westfield High School from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 16.

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