
Southwick DPW prepares for major snow storm

SOUTHWICK – With a major snow storm reaching the Western Massachusetts region starting in the early hours of Thursday morning, DPW crews have been preparing for the impending weather.

Randy Brown, the Southwick DPW Director, says that the preparation leading up to this particular storm is no different than any other.

“We go into it with a general approach and then we adapt as needed,” said Brown.

The DPW begins to get ready for the storm by constantly tracking the weather and coming up with an estimation of when they think it will hit.

Trucks will then go out and put a pre-treated salt mixture on the roads. Once there is an accumulation of snow, the blades are attached to the plow trucks, and they would start pushing snow off the road.

According to Brown, as this specific storm is expected to bring in much more than two or three inches, one of the town’s many contractors will step in and assist Southwick DPW, by plowing the main roads. The DPW would focus on all the side streets throughout town.

DPW Director Randy Brown and his department have been prepared for the impending snow storm. (WNG File Photo)

DPW Director Randy Brown and his department have been prepared for the impending snow storm. (WNG File Photo)

Brown and the rest of the department also made sure that their brand new salt shed  was fully stocked and ready to be used, as more deliveries of salt were made earlier this week.

A snow storm that could reach up to 12 inches or more is yet another eventful day of weather for Southwick DPW. Icy roads was earlier this week, followed by a spring-like day at 50 degrees or higher Wednesday.

It may be a week filled with unexpected weather, but Brown always makes sure he and the rest of his department is ready for whatever Mother Nature brings.

“We do live in New England,” said Brown. “We have to be prepared for any types of conditions at any given time.”

If you have any questions or comments for the Southwick DPW, contact Randy Brown at 413-569-3040.

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