PITTSFIELD – The Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative presents the 4th Western Massachusetts Film And Media Exchange on Friday, May 12, 2017 from 11:30AM to 6PM at the Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel in Springfield.
A day of hands-on workshops and networking opportunities for filmmakers, photographers, students, small businesses and non-profit organizations looking to incorporate the latest techniques in their film and media creation. Workshops and equipment demonstrations will be presented by Vitec Videocom, a Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative partner.
Tickets will be on sale on April 1. For information on programs, tickets, and more: Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative at www.berkshirefilm.org or call:413-528-4223.
Sponsors to date include Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, The Massachusetts Cultural Council and The Westfield News Group.
The Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative (BFMC) is a creative economic engine that supports production and workforce development in Western Massachusetts. BFMC develops educational and workforce enrichment courses, offers networking events for industry professionals, acts as a resource for visiting productions, creates jobs within our communities in the film industry and provides an on line production guide and locations database as a resource for filmmakers. BFMC was formed in 2009, and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.