Emergency Response and Crime Report
Monday, Sept. 2, 2013
12:25 p.m.: suspicious person, Arnold Street at Elm Street, a patrol officer reports he observed a male party on a bike offer to sell marijuana to a pair of female pedestrians, the officer reports the man attempted to flee as the officer approached but was detained, three packages of marijuana were found on the man’s bicycle, Felix Melendez, 43, of 86 Orange Street, was arrested for possession of a Class D drug with intent to distribute, during the booking process Melendez was uncooperative and head butted two officers trying to calm him, the booking process was postponed while the man was giving an opportunity to calm down and when it resumed he was also charged with for assault and battery on a police officer;
1:02 a.m.: suspicious persons, West Silver Street, a caller reports two young women are very intoxicated and attempting to hitchhike, the responding officer reports he provided two female parties a courtesy transport to Westfield State University;
2:11 a.m.: accident, East Main Street, a caller reports a male party crashed his vehicle into a building and the vehicle is on fire, the responding firefighters report the vehicle is not on fire, the occupant was extricated and transported to Baystate Medical Center but no information about his condition was available the next day, the responding officer reports a witness said that the car had been racing westbound, the officer found that the vehicle had struck a traffic island in the center of East Main Street at the end of the national guard bridge and careened to the right across the curb before coming to rest against a protective concrete post near a large commercial building;
2:26 a.m.: disturbance, Green Pine Lane, an officer responding to an abandoned 911 call reports he encountered a woman in the driveway who was visibly upset and crying, the woman said that her husband had thrown her around, the officer noted fresh scratches and minor injuries on her arms and legs, the woman said that her husband became upset when she declined his sexual overtures and threw her to the ground, the woman said when she tried to call police the man took the phone from her hand but she was able to escape outside, the officer reports he entered the unlocked house and found the woman’s husband who was obviously highly intoxicated, uncooperative and said that nothing had happened, Joseph M. Deauseault , 48, of 12 Green Pine Lane, was arrested for assault and battery in a domestic relationship;
7:28 a.m.: animal complaint, Henry’s Trailer Park, 868 Southampton Road, a caller reports a stray poodle dog, an animal control officer was notified and the dog was transported to the municipal animal shelter;
10:45 a.m.: larceny, Jeremy Drive, a resident came to the station to report that his cellphone was stolen, the responding officer reports the man said that he doesn’t know at which stop the phone was stolen but believes it was taken from his vehicle while he was running errands on Aug. 24, the man also said that he had tracked his phone to a Springfield address but Springfield police report the resident at the address said that he had no knowledge of the phone;
11:44 a.m.: found property, Court Street, a traffic bureau officer reports he found a plastic milk crate containing a circular saw and other tools in the middle of Court Street, the tools were transported to the station for safe keeping;
2:00 p.m.: animal complaint, Westfield Animal Shelter, 178 Apremont Way, a person came to the shelter to surrender a male black Labrador retriever dog found on Southampton Road;
2:02 p.m.: animal complaint, Scenic Road, a caller reports cows in his back yard, the responding officer reports he and another officer were assisted by a farmer in getting eight young heifers back to their pasture;
3:07 p.m.: narcotics violation, Mechanic Street, community policing officers report that while engaged in visiting college-aged tenants to apprise them of the local rules and norms a small amount of marijuana and two pipes were seen in plain view, the contraband allegedly belongs to a roommate who was not present and was confiscated;
5:02 p.m.: disturbance, Prospect Street, a caller reports he was recently attacked by two or three men, the responding officer reports the man said that two brothers came to his home to fight him because of a perceived injury one of the brothers holds him responsible for, the man said that the two men assaulted him on his porch but he was able to retreat inside, he said that the two men punched his vehicle as they left, the victim said that he had not been planning to report the incident but changed his mind when a caller threatened his family, criminal complaints were filed against each of the brothers;
11:16 p.m.: noise complaint, East Silver Street at Coleman Avenue, a caller reports that two men who may be intoxicated are yelling and creating a disturbance, the responding officer reports he found two known persons and advised them to be quiet, the officer reports that one of the men agreed to go home and urged his companion to calm down but the other man continued to create a disturbance, the officer reports that when the tumultuous man was advised of his arrest he refused to stand and struggled to resist emplacement of handcuffs, Daniel C. Fisher, of no fixed address, was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest;
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013
7:41 a.m.: illegal dumping, St. Mary’s Cemetery, Southampton Road, a caller reports persons are dumping behind the fire department sub-station, the responding officer reports that the two homeless occupants of the vehicle were removing bags of redeemable bottles and cans from the vehicle to make room so they could take a nap as the female party is six-months pregnant and tired, the officer advised the persons that they may not sleep on private property and they left the area;
7:44 a.m.: rescue, Van Dussen Apartments, 42 Arnold St., a caller reports she and her daughter are trapped in an elevator, the responding firefighters report they were unable to reset the elevator and contacted the elevator company, a representative responded at 8:44 a.m. and the trapped occupants were freed ten minutes later;
9:40 a.m.: assist citizen, Western Avenue, Westfield State University police request assistance for a motorist whose keys are locked inside a running vehicle, the responding deputy fire chief reports entry was made;
10:03 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired and the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
12:13 p.m.: suspicious property, Stanley Park, 400 Western Ave., a caller reports a mask in the children’s play area, the responding officer reports the elaborate hand-made Hannibal Lector mask was transported to the station for safekeeping;
12:21 p.m.: larceny, Broad Street, a caller from a nursing facility reports a resident’s quilt was stolen, the responding officer reports the victim said that she had been sleeping when somebody removed her quilt, the woman said she asked what the person she believes was a staff member was doing with the quilt and was told that it was being put in the closet, the woman later found that the quilt was not in the closet, a nursing home official said that an internal investigation has been initiated;
12:48 p.m.: larceny, Radisson Lane, a caller reports a ladder was stolen from her home, the responding officer reports the caller said that a ladder and weed whacker were left outside briefly and while they were unattended the items were stolen;
2:23 p.m.: animal complaint, Westfield Animal Shelter, 178 Apremont Way, a person came to the shelter to surrender a female long haired black and brown Chihuahua dog she said she can no longer afford to care for;
4:09 p.m.: larceny, Meadow Street, a caller reports that property belonging to his elderly father was stolen overnight, the responding officer reports the caller said that his father’s debit card was taken and has been used for a charge of about $300, the man said that he suspects his father’s roommates who moved out abruptly before the loss was noticed may be responsible;
4:15 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, White Street, a patrol officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to have expired registration and the vehicle was towed;
4:28 p.m.: larceny, Elm Street, a detective reports that the owner of an Elm Street jewelry store called to report a brooch valued about $1,000 is missing and he does not know how it was stolen, the detective reports the investigation is ongoing;
5:25 p.m.: larceny, Skipper Lane, a resident came to the station to report some of her jewelry is missing, the responding officer reports the woman said that she does not know when several items of jewelry disappeared over the summer, the woman said that there have been numerous family members, friends and friends of her children in her home during the time the jewelry could have been stolen;
6:12 p.m.: fire, Powdermill Village, 126 Union St., a caller reports children have started a fire in the basement, a responding officer reports that a group of children aged 10-13 years-old apparently started a small fire in a stairwell, the fire was extinguished without damage to the concrete steps before firefighters arrived, the police assumed responsibility for the fire investigation;
7:06 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Southwick Road, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed and determined it to be traveling at 48 mph in a 30 mph zone, the vehicle was stopped and the operator appeared to be intoxicated, the man failed a field sobriety test, Barry D. Blaisdell, 64, of 2650 Ceanothus Ave., Chico., Calif., was arrested for operating under the influence of liquor, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, possession of an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle and speeding in violation of special regulations;
8:12 p.m.: animal complaint, Monroe Street, a resident came to the station with a stray dog she said had been harassing her dog while they were walking, the officer reports a routine check revealed that the woman and her hostess on Monroe Street were the subjects of outstanding warrants, Christina I. Yarmesky, 19, of 933 Homestead Ave., Holyoke, and Yamilette Lashey Mendez, 18, of 23 Monroe St., were each arrested on the warrants.