
A message from Chief Bishop to Southwick’s young residents

Southwick Police Chief Kevin A. Bishop’s dogs, Brutus and April. (KEVIN BISHOP PHOTO)

Southwick Police Chief Kevin A. Bishop sent this message March 27 for the town’s youngest residents:

A little shout out to all of our youngsters!

Well it’s been a week since I last reached out to all of you and I hope you, your family and friends are all safe and healthy and maybe, just maybe you can still put on a happy face.

I know many of you were told not to go to school and some of you might be happy about that and some not so happy, well I know how you feel because it has happened to me as well. Unfortunately, I have been working from my home for a week now but, I am still prepared and ready to go if my officers need any assistance. My wife, Mrs. Bishop, has been staying home as well and I can tell you that our two dogs, Brutus and April seem to be very happy we are home with them. (See their photo, Brutus is on the left and he is my dog, and he’s the best one).

I would like to share with all of you what a good friend of mine, Albert Einstein once told me. He said, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow .“ So please, stay hopeful, stay healthy and try not to drive your parents too crazy!

It’s time to get back to work, If you get some time and you would like to say hello feel free to drop me an email message [email protected]

Stay safe, Stay healthy,

God Bless all,

Chief Kevin Bishop


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