SOUTHWICK – Around 4 p.m. on Thursday both the Southwick Police and Fire Departments responded to a call of a bomb threat at Whalley Computer. After conducting a risk assessment, it was determined by first responders that the threat was not a harm to anyone.
Management at Whalley Computer reported the bomb threat to Southwick Police after an employee told their supervisor that they had received a threatening email.
“An email was received indicating that a bomb had been placed in the business and that if a certain amount of bitcoin was not paid, the bomb would go off,” said Southwick Chief of Police Kevin Bishop.
In a press release from the Southwick Police Department, it was addressed that the sender of the email demanded $20,000 in bitcoin.

Whalley Computer received a bomb threat through an email on Thursday afternoon. (Photo from Doug Moglin)
Doug Moglin, a Southwick Selectboard member who works at Whalley Computer, was one of the many employees who had to evacuate the building and glanced at the email that was sent.
“It didn’t look very credible to me,” said Moglin, noting that the email included poor English.
Moglin credited the town’s first responders for their quick response and execution.
“They do such a great job,” said Moglin.
Moglin was also pleased with the way the employees of Whalley Computer handled the situation, evacuating as quickly and safely as possible.
“We train for it,” said Moglin. “Everything worked as well it could have worked.”
At approximately 5:30 p.m., after first responders determined the building was safe, all evacuated employees were either sent home or allowed back into the building.
The Southwick Police Department is investigating the incident and will provide any information to state or federal agencies that may request it. Bishop added that there are no leads on a suspect or suspects at this time.
It’s been reported that very similar bomb threats were made on Thursday throughout the country. Threats were made in Connecticut and also at businesses in Springfield, Chicopee, and Holyoke.